You may have heard this already, but yesterday
Psychology Today posted yet another "scientific" study on the inherent inferiority of the African "race." Apparently, some dude pulled a PhD diploma out of his
ass Lucky Charms cereal and asked
"Why Are Black Women Less Attractive"?
The London School of Economics- and Birckbeck College-affiliated "evolutionary psychologist," Dr. Satoshi Kanazawa proves that he himself and his supposedly scientific field has not much evolved beyond the--I thought--discredited field of social Darwinism. Apparently, his phrenological study on how the Negro has smaller brain capacity and, therefore, cannot attain high levels of intellect nor responsibility was thrown out by
P.T. His empirical study on how the Negro cannot possibly experience pain was dismissed after one Negro on
P.T.'s Board promised to inflict pain if the study was published.
But our intrepid
Dr. Kanazawa would not be deterred. After all, it is science's duty to, every few years, show without a
scientific doubt that melanin superiority necessarily equates to every-damned-thing-else inferiority. So now, the good
doctor pressed a new wrinkle into the African Inferiority Debate (A.I.D.): Testosterone.
According to
Doctor Kanazawa, the Negro has an overabundance of testosterone, which somehow makes the Negress
less attractive than women of other races while the Negro
male remains just as adorable as all the other men out there. Oddly enough, during the turn of the last century, it was the Negro's overabundance of testosterone that made him especially susceptible to the effects of cocaine--turning his darky, little brain mad and turning the colored into a wild, growling, jungle beast whose muscles, already genetically honed for hard labor, became superhuman in strength, leading to an animal frenzy that had to be beaten into submission (you know, like Rodney King).
I guess with evolutionary psychologists ... the more things change the more they stay the same.