Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Koontown Killing Kaper Official Book Trailer

I can't believe I haven't posted this here, yet. God, I'm slipping. Anyway, here. Have a laugh.


  1. Your locks look familiar my brother. Did you have another blog? Anyway, I'd like to do an excerpt of your excerpt on my blog, Anna Renee Is Still Talking. Of course with links back to your website and/or this blog. And a picture of you in Koonface at my blog as well.

    Oh how I love your Koonface! It pisses me off a little bit, yet...

  2. That link is only to my gmail blogs which are all dead. My REAL blog is at - same name.
    Anna Renee

  3. I just read Chaptah Wun and all I can say is HHHWWHAT??? Gotta read Chaptah Two? Too? To? 2? ;)

    Anna Renee
